Wednesday, 11.01.2012


Not reconciled (nobody knows what a body is capable of)
Marcelo Expósito

Not reconciled (Nobody knows what a body is capable of), Film still, 2009

Marcelo Expósito will show and discuss parts of his new film «Not reconciled (nobody knows what a body is capable of)». Filmed in Argentina, «Not reconciled (nobody knows what a body is capable of)» is a free adaptation of the drama Hamletmachine by the German playwright Heiner Müller, which was staged in Buenos Aires by the group El Periférico de Objetos in the second half of the nineties. The film runs through several historical moments at which tools derived from the tradition of the aesthetic avant-gardes were put at the service of the social movement, in the Argentinean context, and pauses to look at experiences like the «siluetazo» in the eighties, and the participation of political art collectives in the new Human Rights movements, and in the practice of the «escraches» (the public actions that locate and publicly denounce unpunished collaborators with the massacre perpetrated by the last civil-military dictatorship in Argentina), which the movement H.I.J.O.S. (Sons and Daughters [of Disappeared Detainees] for Identity and Justice, against Oblivion and Silence) began to carry out in the mid-nineties.

Vortrag in englischer Sprache.

Eine Veranstaltung in der Vortragsreihe Ästhetik@Subversion
der Vertiefung Theorie in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Master of
Fine Arts des Departements Kunst & Medien der Zürcher
Hochschule der Künste ZHdK.

Posted by Irene Grillo