Monday, 09.05.2016 -
Friday, 13.05.2016


2016 / 201605 / Ausstellung
Occasionally Human
A Curatorial Research on Sociality

Francesca Brusa

Flyer for the exhibition. Graphic by Tim O. Haesler.

“Relationships to the other does not proceed through identification with a preexisting icon, inherent to each individual. The image is carried by a becoming other, ramified in becoming animal, becoming plant, becoming machine and, on occasion, becoming human.” Felix Guattari

How is contemporary aesthetic production affected by interactions and relations among its productive agencies?
In post-Fordist and post-human conditions of creative and artistic labour, what is the impact of collaborative realms on the production of aesthetic and cultural discourses?
To what extent can we link the value of cultural and artistic production to the specificities of the relations underneath it? To which field of relations (collaborators, friends, akin humans?) can we ascribe the specific relation between artists and curators?

The project seeks to write a chapter in the definition of the ontological nature of the relation between two specific productive agencies, curator and artist, and the impact of this relation on aesthetic production.
The conditions underneath creative production will be examined by the analysis of the relations among its productive bodies, considering the consequences of the contemporary modes of production of subjectivity.
The research aims to explore the extent of a relational and collaborative method to be embedded in the processes of definition of new cultural, aesthetic, affective and existential territories.

The research investigates different artistic and curatorial approaches to sociality as a productive skill, and it will be conducted through a series of conversations where communication, based on language and affinities, will be recorded and analysed in a television-like set.

A project by Francesca Brusa

Nadja Baldini, Mateo Chacon-Pino, Daniel Morgenthaler, Julia Moritz, Dimitrina Sevova, Agustina Strüngmann

Johanna Bruckner, Luc Mattenberger, Mediengruppe Bitnik!, Philemon Otth, Martin Schick, Paulo Wirz

Saturday, 14 May at 18:00h: Public presentation of the outcome of the project “Occasionally Human” by the researcher and the participating artists and curators. With apéro.

Program on Saturday, 14 May 2016
18:00h public interview with Julia Mortiz
18:30h public interview with Paulo Wirz
19:00h public presentation of the research by Francesca Brusa

The project is realized in collaboration with the post-graduate program in Curating at ZHdK.

Photo documentation of the event on Facebook:

Posted by Corner College Collective